What is Warm Sandwich?

We are a band of young imaginative storytellers who create bold daring work, crafting new age tall tales that open you up to your own adult sense of childlike wonder.

Using homemade theatrical techniques and plucky resourcefulness, we create nourishing theatrical experiences that mix form, genre, and type, moving the art of theater making onto a whole new plate.

Stories that celebrate the edible ephemeral.

Like when you were a kid and had your favorite home-cooked meal.

Something warm, loving, and filled with necessary substance.

Something like a warm sandwich.

Warm Sandwich Lore:

It all began with a cold sandwich on a hot day. Or maybe a hot sandwich on a cold day. No one truly knows.

Regardless, Nigel and Corey attended the University of Minnesota/Guthrie BFA program together and after liking each others work and bad jokes, they started collaborating and cobbling theatrical ideas together.

Warm Sandwich is the baked bread of that shared creative union.